This multifaceted project empowers G’zox to provide a seamless customer experience. It includes a fresh website, an integrated warranty management system, and the creation of compelling editorial content to showcase their products and brand expertise.


G'zox Vietnam



#WebsiteDevelopment #MarketAdvisor #photography

Project Goals

  • Develop a visually engaging and user-friendly website optimized for lead generation.
  • Streamline warranty registration and support with an intuitive customer portal.
  • Position G’zox as the authority in surface care through high-quality editorial content.

Scope of Work

  • Website Development:

    • UI/UX Design: Intuitive navigation, clean layout, strong focus on product visuals and CTAs.
    • Content Refresh: Update and optimize product descriptions, service information, and brand messaging.
    • Warranty Integration: Implement a secure system for customers to register warranties and manage support requests.
    • SEO Considerations: Implement on-page optimization for search engines.

    Editorial Creative:

    • Identify Content Gaps: Analyze current blog  and market trends to determine topics with high potential for engagement and lead generation.
    • Develop Content Strategy: Create a roadmap for editorial content (topics, formats, publication schedule).
    • Visual Direction: Explore photography, infographics, or short videos to complement written content.

    Content Writing:

    • Product-Focused Articles: Informative content explaining the benefits of G’zox solutions, addressing common customer questions.
    • Expertise-Building Guides: In-depth articles on surface care best practices, positioning G’zox as a thought leader.
    • SEO-Conscious: Incorporate target keywords organically for search discoverability.


  • Website: Fully functional, live website with warranty integration.
  • Content Strategy Document: Outlining key topics, target audience, and publication plan.
  • Initial Content Assets: Sample articles, visual content, and social media posts to launch the editorial push.

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