


Vietnam & Philippine

#KOLManagement #Press #Event #SocialMediaMarketing #WebMarketing #LeadGeneration #CONTENT #DESIGN

This project encompasses the development and execution of a multi-faceted marketing strategy designed to elevate Pentair’s brand presence, drive engagement, and achieve measurable growth across multiple channels in Vietnam & Philippine Market.

Project Goals

  • Increase brand awareness in target demographics
  • Drive qualified leads and website traffic
  • Boost engagement and positive sentiment on social media
  • Position Pentair as a thought leader within the industry

Scope of Work

  • Social Media Marketing: Refine social media strategy. Craft compelling content, execute paid campaigns, and foster meaningful engagement across relevant platforms.
  • Website Marketing: Conduct SEO audit and implement optimizations. Develop content strategies that address user pain points and drive organic traffic.
  • Press: Secure strategic media placements in industry publications and relevant outlets.
  • KOL Management: Identify and build relationships with key influencers to amplify Pentair’s reach and credibility.
  • TVC Production
  • Event Marketing: Leverage events for lead generation, brand awareness, and partnership opportunities.
  • Website Development: Develop website
  • Call Center Provider


  • Increase brand awareness in target demographics
  • Drive qualified leads and website traffic
  • Boost engagement and positive sentiment on social media
  • Position Pentair as a thought leader within the industry