This project focuses on enhancing FedEx’s digital marketing presence to drive brand awareness, generate high-quality leads, and support sustained growth. The emphasis will be on strategic social media engagement, website optimization for lead capture, and data-driven campaign development.





#SocialMediaMarketing #WebMarketing #LeadGeneration #CONTENT #DESIGN

Project Goals

  • Increase brand visibility and engagement on key social platforms.
  • Enhance the FedEx website’s ability to convert visitors into leads.
  • Develop targeted lead generation campaigns across digital channels.

Scope of Work

  • Social Media Marketing:
    • Social platform audit and targeted strategy development.
    • Content creation that highlights FedEx’s unique value proposition, customer success stories, and company culture.
  • Website Marketing:
    • Optimize landing pages, forms, and CTAs (Calls to Action).
    • Develop content and resources addressing customer pain points and commonly asked questions.
  • Lead Generation:
    • Implement lead magnets (eBooks and Vouchers Giveaway) to capture valuable prospect data.
    • Design targeted ad campaigns focused on lead acquisition.
    • Explore lead nurturing strategies to guide prospects through the funnel.


  • Detailed marketing strategy document (aligned with overall FedEx business goals in Vietnam market).
  • Social media content calendar and campaign plans.
  • Optimized website landing pages and lead capture forms.
  • Lead generation campaign concepts and execution plans.
  • Performance report with key metrics and insights.

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